What are the possible causes of anxiety in a child?

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causes anxiety 5

Looking at the possible main causes of anxiety in your child is a challenge for most parents. 

The easiest thing for a parent to feel when they suspect their child is anxious or has symptoms of anxiety is to blame themselves and feel… guilty. 


Don’t start asking yourself what you did or what you might have done differently. The past is done. The only thing that matters is helping your child become less anxious and back to their old self. And for that you need to work out what might have caused their anxiety.

When I say don’t feel guilty… yes, of course life happens and when things happen your child might react in a way you hadn’t expected and didn’t want. But guilt helps no one.

The important thing now is to start sorting out the causes of anxiety before the symptoms get worse and professional help is then needed

And believe me, there are many ways of helping your anxious child that don’t need professional input at this stage – although I am a professional and I am offering you some input on this website!

The difference is that I’ve often worked with parents and their child over a few weeks to help them help their child themselves going forward. I prefer this to dishing out labels and lengthy treatment. I’ve found it works well.

So I will list all sorts of possible causes here, and you can read about them in more detail by following the links. 

But they’re only meant to help you ferret around to find out what might be lurking under your child’s anxiety. They’re not meant to be an accusing finger. That’s not helpful to anyone.

Possible causes of anxiety to think about

If one or two of these causes strikes you as a possible factor in why your child is anxious, do have a read by following the link (more links are being added regularly), because I will also offer some tips and help on how to start dealing with it. 

And if you feel you need more help with your child or things are not improving after a while, do have a look at the Asking for Help section.