Audio transcript of home page introduction

Welcome to my website. In a moment I hope you will read through the initial information on the home page and quickly find where you’d like to be taken to next. 

But first... why am I doing this?

Well, my biggest love over the years has been working alongside parents. I believe they can do a great job with their children and help them thrive even when faced with a problem.

I did this as a teacher at one time, working with parents to help their children enjoy learning. 

That was before I had three children under three of my own. 

And I did it later, working from home as a private tutor. I remember tutoring one child for a year so that she wouldn’t fall behind educationally. You see, she’d become too socially anxious to go to school. 

But at the same time, I coached her with simple techniques, so that she was able to return to school eventually. I remember her parent gave me a lovely painting of the local area because they were so pleased at this outcome, and with their daughter’s renewed happiness. 

When my own children left home, I trained as a counsellor and after the initial training I specialised in working with children and young people. 

A few of the families I worked with you would maybe have called the worried well. Parents who just wanted help for a specific problem with a child, but were not at the stage of needing emergency help.

As many have said before me, no one gives us a parenting manual. And if they did, it probably wouldn’t contain the one thing we needed.

So I’m not pretending this site will have absolutely everything you need. But I will use my professional experience to help you soar over any difficulties you’re having with your anxious child. 

And I’ll be adding pages all the time for many months. I’m barely started. So do please check back, or maybe sign up for my newsletter which will also mention any site updates.

Like me, you will have noticed that there’s a need out there for help with anxious children – and it’s growing by the month.

And there’s a reason.

I’m recording this in 2021 as the UK plans its way out of lockdown. Many children and young people have grown more and more anxious, depressed, frustrated and fed up over the course of the pandemic. 

It’s been an unnatural situation for them, and they have less experience of life to cope with it.

They should have been moving away from parents and building relationships with teachers and each other. They should have been playing innocently, instead of hearing endlessly about worldwide death and disease and fearing for their parents and relatives. 

I’m hoping to help as many of these children and young people as possible – via you, their parents and carers. I want them to regain their enjoyment of life as soon as possible – before the anxiety and difficulties become so huge that you need to go looking for counselling help.

But if you do get to that point, I have your back. I have included a page of help specifically aimed at giving you the necessary information you need about how to find a good counsellor for your child if you end up needing one. 

Counselling is good. But before that stage, have a browse here. I’m hoping you’ll find a nugget, a light-bulb moment, something that seems to be just what will help you continue to do the great job you’ve been doing so far with your child. I do hope so.

Thank you for listening. Do contact me if you have queries.